HUD Modal Widget - Quiet Button Completely Broken

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

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Hello all, I have come across an experience-breaking issue with the HUD Modal Widget.

If you add a “Quiet” button, you’ll automatically be unable to push changes due to an “Illegal Issue”. This is because of the recent Font change in Fortnite. We do not have access to it according to UEFN, therefore when the Quiet button is used (the only button that uses the font), it’ll cause an error.

Now, most importantly: DO NOT EDIT YOUR QUIET BUTTONS.

If you have Quiet buttons already present in an experience in UEFN, they will work fine, however, as soon as you make any changes within the Widget editor, you’ll no longer be able to push changes, thus rendering your experience non-functional.

“Regular” and “Loud” buttons are unaffected as they still use the original “Burbank” font.

Thank you for reading.

Steps to Reproduce

Create HUD Modal Widget, add “Quiet” Button then attempt to Push Changes.

Expected Result

The changes should push, however an error appears stating that the new font added to Fortnite (which is also used in the Quiet Button) is an illegal asset.

Observed Result

The projects changes cannot be pushed, therefore the entire project is unable to be finished.



Additional Notes

Regular and Loud buttons work correctly.

Bug コントローラーバグについてです
コントローラー変えても常時デットゾーンが10以上になってるので直して欲しいです Fortnite側の設定はデットゾーン5にしてあります (Fortnite内の設定でデットゾーン設定のところ行くと右側にデットゾーンのマークがあると思います デットゾーン5にしてスティックを反応するギリギリで倒すと黄色い円で反応すると思います それが5以上になって10位の円の大きさしてます) これは僕だけの問題ではなく他のPCのpadの子にも聞くと同じバクがあるみたいだし、CSの1部の子もバグがあると言ってました 早めの改善お願いします

The status of UCB-1078 incident has been moved from ‘Needs Triage’ to ‘Closed’. Resolution Reason: ‘Duplicate’