Upon mounting a rideable Wildlife NPC (ie. Raptor, Wolf, Boar or a Custom NPC Definition inheriting from them), context icons appear on the player’s HUD and are not removable, editable or exposed at all through with the Wildlife/NPC Spawner options, Character Modifiers in the NPC Definition or through Verse via the / api and the fort_hud_controller object. This makes it impossible to remove or modify these hud elements at all, also, on dismounting a NPC, some of these riding icons are not removed from the player hud and persist through the round and sometimes even show up on the HUD before even mounting the NPC initially.
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Unreal Editor for Fortnite
What Type of Bug are you experiencing?
Steps to Reproduce
- Place either a WIldlife Spawner or a Custom NPC Spawner into a UEFN level, in this use case, we are using a Custom NPC Spawner, but the effect is consistent with default WIldlife Spawners too
- Make sure the spawned NPC is tameable and rideable, this can be turned on in the Wildlife Spawner options or added as a Character Modifier in the NPC Character Definition
- Run the game and then tame and mount the wildlife NPC
- Observe the new context HUD added on the left of the screen
- Dismount the NPC and observe not all contextual HUD elements are removed
Expected Result
There should be options to modify and remove these contextual HUD elements, ideally something like this:
- Option to modify or remove HUD elements in the Wildlife Spawner options
- Additional “Riding HUD” Character Modifier options in NPC Character Definition for Wildlife derived NPCs. These options could live in the already existing “Taming Modifier”
- Verse exposure to these contextual UI elements within the “fort_hud_controller”, where you can then hide these elements via their hud_element_identifier
Observed Result
The afforementioned steps result in uneditable HUD elements being added to the player HUD during NPC riding and several elements i.e. Secondary and Tertiary Riding Abilities appearing before mounting the NPC and persisting after dismount
Tested Platforms:
- PC
- PS5
- Nintendo Switch