In unreal engine when i tried to connected the Controllers to the live link Plugin i am unable to see the subject name ( i can see that controllers are connected to steamVR correctly and tracking also- no issue with that). I even tried the some solutions from forums also
- By setting Unrealeditor.exe-XRtrackingonly (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKsPjufVPwg)
- try setting everything to OFF in the Steam VR dashboard settings.
- By changing other set of htc vive controllers
when i view in the VR preview in unreal scene, i can view in headset and if i close and see in live link i am able to see the user\head, user\hand\right, user\hand\left names , but they are inactive(in yellow color).
Plugins enable:- Link Link, Live Link XR, Open XR,
I tried in unreal version 5.2, 5.3. Please help me in this .