HP Reverb G2 Motion Controllers not working in UE 5.4

Hi all,

I’m running into major problems trying to use my HP Reverb G2 Motion Controllers since upgrading to Unreal Engine 5.4. The controllers worked perfectly with enhanced input in Unreal Engine 5.3, but now they don’t seem to be recognized or tracked at all.

To troubleshoot, I’ve taken the following steps:

  • Fresh Template: I created a completely new VR template project in Unreal Engine 5.4 to ensure a clean setup.
  • Plugins: I meticulously enabled the exact same plugins I was using successfully in my 5.3 project, including the HP Motion Controller plugin.
  • Restarting: I’ve restarted both the Unreal Engine editor and my computer multiple times. I Also connected and reconnected the controllers with no success.

Sadly, nothing has resolved the issue. Has anyone else encountered similar problems specifically after the 5.4 update? I’m open to any suggestions or workarounds.

Try disabling the OpenXREyeTracker plugin.


I had the same issue, disabling the new OpenXR eye tracking and hand tracking plugins solved it.
I still needed to roll back because my performance is atrocious in both editor preview and packaged builds with 5.4.1 (unmodified VR template project).

Thank you so much for the advice. With the VR template map under UE5.4, it works quite well.