howto change material output to linear?

doing some shader stuff in vanilla 5.3.2. why is a linear gradient not linear? i hate this color space clutter. -_-

is there any setting i can use to force a more linear output. i want more darkness and value control in there. not this ■■■■■■ gamma boost. those are data paramaters not colors. i’d rather have precise control, rather then “eyeballing” that.

There are nodes to convert to/from sRGB/Linear. Search Linear and you should find it

yeh… about that. i fixed it myself. i forgot i could do that. i’ll need that while deving, for sure. clean data. NOT the “epic” version. cause… 4 more instruction and constants of…

you don’t wanna see how off their bloat code is. tbh. all good. :slight_smile:

Could you explain what’s wrong with it? I ask because it looked basically fine to me (as someone not terribly familiar with the dark arts of color spaces.)

For what it’s worth 2 of those instructions are just from using the == input on the if node which isn’t really necessary so you can get those back by just unplugging it.

it does not produce clean blacks, nor starts at 0 value. the code is pointless number mumbojumbo. maybe tryna look smart, but it’s not. i used just a pow(input, 2.2) and it came out as required.

just for reference.


the pow 2.2

and the difference

either way, it’s fine. i was more jarated the viewport does not have a linear option, when you need to see and tweak proper numerical data stuff. all the things besides the color are raw values. not meant to be seen and handled as srgb. that’s about it.

Fair enough. fwiw I think pow(x, 2.2) is just gamma 2.2. The code in Epic’s conversion matches what I could find online for srgb->linear conversion… idk… color spaces are a pit of insanity :person_shrugging:

that is correct. tech terms being thrown around for you to get new stuff and convert back and forth. all of this only exist for postprocessing. xtra pointless math, tbh. in the end it’s just black to white on a screen. true calibration does not exist either cause no screen is the same. and this is gamedev. so the cheapest solution is advised. no need for color science, nor a dozen standards to process images. on one hand they sell contrast and pure black screens on the other they blow up gamma to nirvana. it’s insanely counterproductive in terms of efficiency. yep

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