Hey everyone,
So I recently found this result about how to represent realistic skin stretching, and the result is mind blowing
How would you implement such thing in unreal engine (not talking of SSS)?
Hey everyone,
So I recently found this result about how to represent realistic skin stretching, and the result is mind blowing
How would you implement such thing in unreal engine (not talking of SSS)?
Some combination of coding and map blending… this technique may still be some ways off from real-time applications, but some kind of dynamic map blending is most likely required.
Metal Gear Solid 4 did a somewhat similar technique by having 2 normal maps, a wrinkled one and a relaxed one, a tension map was used to helped control the blending, but they might of also been baked into the animations as well? I’m not completely sure. Here’s an example of a tension map Maya Spiral: SOUP / Tension Map Basic and where the technique was mentioned CGSociety
You could also use the same technique to blend between a relaxed and flexed version of a normal map for muscles, tendons, (particularly hands).
I haven’t messed with trying to add those effects to a character myself, but all these techniques work similarly and probably could be implemented at the same time.
Sorry guys for answering g so lately was sure I subscribed to the thread and obviously I didn’t.
Thanks! How do I specify where I should blend and where not? Vertex painting? And also when I should blend and not? Dynamic param collection maybe?