I am trying to make a fast paced 3rd person platformer. I would like to do things like go through loops, go off jumps, and keep momentum for a bit after you slow down. I looked through the blueprints of the advanced vehicle to try and find the behavior that causes this, but could’nt find it. Any ideas?
So basically you want to make a 3D sonic the hedgehog game?
Eh, somewhat. Same kind of momentum stuff, but with dodging stuff midair in different directions, and melee combat/gun-play. Because if your being shot at by a rocket, why not lift your legs outta the way?
bump, i really need an answer, because im totally lost. Brain surgery may be required.
I don’t know how to make it go through loops since character movement is programmed around a vertical upright character, but you can alter the defaults of many movement variables supplied with the Character Movement component to get sliding when you release the movement controls (reduce friction or deceleration), that’s what I did to make a “hover” tank using character movement component (I also reduced the capsule size to the minimum which is equal to the sphere radius)
My settings are in the screenshot. Notice the Ground Friction is 1.0 instead of the default 8.0
Yeah, I tried that. it helped a little.
I looked at this thread Character Doesn't Align with vertical, horizontal, curved ground. - Content Creation - Unreal Engine Forums , and then tried out this blueprint snippet http://i.imgur.com/xIqe2CI.jpg , but it didnt come out right. Did i mess it up, or does it just not work?
sorry if this kind of stuff 'aint your expertise!
I’m afraid it ain’t! CharacterMovement comes by default set to NOT be able to rotate the actor except on the Z axis (yaw). Have you turned off the rotation axis constraints/locking in the CharacterMovement component (I think it’s there, if not it might be in the Actor itself)?
I found someone else having a problem of the character rotating when they DON’T want him to:
Huh, weird. I mean, he didn’t show off any scripts or blueprints so i dont understand how people could help him, but still intrestin’.
Only thing like that i could find is “Ignore base rotation” and “Allow physics rotation during anim root motion”. Gotta hunt harder i guess
There is a Constrain Axes (for rotation) option or something like that somewhere. It should be near Constrain to Plane (for translation) I use Constrain axes in my game to prevent my tank from rolling or flipping. It’s always straight up and down vertical.
Yeah, i found the constraint axis setting. You have to set it to constrain to plane first, which i figured out. Problem is: How would i use this? Setting the x y and z variables locks it in the air or in only two directions, so im guessing it would have to do with blueprints. Like, “If speed >50, change constraint”?
Thanks for taking time out of your day to help!
That’s weird. I am able to constrain rotation wthout constraining to a plane
anyway does it allow you to pitch or roll the character collision cylinder when you turn off the rotation constraints?
I took a look at your video, and with that kind of speed you won’t reach the top of the loop even in the Advanced Vehicle template project. Maybe you’re after something like this: UE4 - Planet Explorer Game Part 3 - Planet Gravity & First Person Character - YouTube
THis person got their capsule to lay down horizontally:
Huh, interesting. Maybe we could try out the actor relative/world rotation nodes?
Yeah, something like that, but cancels out if you lose enough speed/don’t have enough to get up it in the first place. And by “speed”, what do you reckon i should change the values to? Acceleration is currently 500, and my max walk speed is around 40000.0