Oh, and apparently that example does not work in third person. Because of course it doesn’t.
I also keep coming across this image (http://i.imgur.com/uUwOOI4.jpg), and i tried to replicate it
but nothing happens at all…
Maybe because it’s not designed for a capsule collider…
I may be able to use splines for this purpose, but it would ruin the flow of game play if running down slopes was always splines. Still no solutions? Thanks for your time trying to help, guys! Appreciate it!
I found this page (https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/172027/tilting-character-to-surface-lost-in-vector-math-h.html), and it does work as intended. However, i can only go up walls to a certain extent. I cannot go up straight paths, only slightly curved. any fix?
Actually, maybe it doesnt allow loops, and instead only changes the appearance… hmm…
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