How would you animate this?

Hi guys,

Having a lot of fun doing my robot project. I started animating with the control rig and got some nice results so far:

KUKA robot

Currently i’m struggling figuring out how to animate the blue top wire so decided to ask you here for opinions, tips, tricks how you would animate it.

The blue wire is a bone structure of around 30 bones, I have played with spline, bone IK etc… and no good results so far.

These are the controls installed so far:

The red represent the basic arm controls also found below in the red comment box.


These are the base controls for the arms:

If you have any suggestions tips our tricks, they would be welcome!

Have a nice one,

Use a cable component

Hey FrankieV,

Thanks for the reply, checked this out and it’s mainly for cable actors. The robot I am building is a control rig with bone structure. The cables are also bone structures that need to be animated and driven by robot movement.


You could use an ik chain for segments of the cable.

Hi ,

I have also thought about this and did struggle a bit with it, I will try it again in the near future. I am still new at this and it is overwhelming sometime, animation is hard :sweat_smile:

Anyways, had a good play with the control system, basically I created multiple controls for the same bones or part of the bones of the cable. The controls can have different parent/child relationships and trigger similar bones as seen in the screenshot below. Don’t know if this is common to do, was happy the system did not crash :raised_hands:


Getting the hang of blueprints and also loving it, got to keep it pretty simple using arrays and was happy with the result.

The red comment box is the mechanical arm movement and the blue boxes are the different sections of the wire being triggered by the multiple control of the same bones.

Please find the video here

Robot animation -blue wire-

Will keep trying the bone IK chain, until its stops crashing :grinning:

Much love,


Just a thought how about using a control rig?

Hey FrankieV,

It is a control rig, the controls is what made the current animation. The challenge I put myself to is to couple it to real life output. My end goal would be to set a target x,y,z and robot move towards it. I’m struggling with the bone IK in control rig as suggested here, doing something wrong, don’t know what yet :sweat_smile:

will keep posting progress here to get input

Hi Guys,

Just a small update and going to close this question and continue the topic here:

Robot project

So started playing with IK and found the FABRIK (for chains to be quite effective for the cable)

The cable moves smoothly when control is transformed:

Will continue playing in the topic above,
