I hear you and appreciate the input. I’m just not happy with bright orange, glowing hair. Can you recommend a better work around for functionality right now? And when you say PBR I assume you mean Physically Based Rendering (PBR) and not Pabst Blue Ribbon, as in the bright, orange, glowing beer?
Anyone reported this as a bug?
10 times, no answer.
Setting the mesh to use the proper tangent option as described in previous posts does work.
it’s just that they keep moving the setting position of where you do that…
and that no shadow point light cause you to glow anyway.
I’ve been experimenting with character creator hair that is using the hair model and in the end I found the cause for all the issues… It was the capsule direct shadow. if you turn it off - the SSS and entire lighting and shadow model works like a charm. you can still use capsule indirect shadow on your model. I also tested only on model that has hair attached to the character as a whole… I will test separated hair in a second.
Confirmed. same issue with direct capsule shadow on separated hair. both as part of character or just skeletal mesh in the scene.
Modify the HairShading function in HairBsdf.ush and change the following code:
const float Backlit = min(InBacklit, HairTransmittance.bUseBacklit ? GBuffer.CustomData.z : 1);
const float Backlit = min(InBacklit, GBuffer.CustomData.z);
View details at https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/674637556
You can then control the hair backlit via the BackLit or ClearCoat pins in the Material Blueprint.
Answer from @Carefree to change the HairBsdf.ush seems to be the right answer.
It simply enables the backlit node functionality, which by default does nothing.
Just close unreal, copy and paste the piece of code in the right file, save the file, close. Open unreal, let it recompile the shaders, go back to your hair material and set Backlit to 0.