This series have all of your answers. You’ll create a waypoint system like that(multiple waypoints are explained after Mob AI Part 1) and then place those waypoints in every room. And pawnsense will check if the player is on sight.
This series have all of your answers. You’ll create a waypoint system like that(multiple waypoints are explained after Mob AI Part 1) and then place those waypoints in every room. And pawnsense will check if the player is on sight.
Hey guys. Getting right into it, I’m looking to have a single bot that will go through the level in search of the player. I’ve been toying with a few ideas of how I’d go about it but like all things, it’s always good to get a second pair of eyes on the problem.
As of right now, I’ve got the basic follow behaviour tree. I’m thinking I could have it to different points that would represent each room, and then check through the space around it. Should I even be using the behaviour tree? Would a simple function suffice? I also want to be able to run away, break line of sight and hide. I realize I might be asking a bit much so any help is greatly appreciated. Just need something to get me started and nudge me in the right direction.
Thanks in advance!