How would I force a navmesh rebuild in Blueprint?

Is there a way to force a navmesh rebuild in a blueprint?

Currently there’s no single BP function you can call to force navmesh to rebuild. We’ll have to add some support for it in near future, and in the mean time you can call Execute Console Command function with parameter RebuildNavigation. It’s basically a cheat, but will give you what you need for the time being :slight_smile:


I look forward to this console command! :slight_smile:

This doesn’t seem to work for me. I build a timeline where a wall slides away and when the timeline completed the console command is executed but the navmesh is not updated. Are there any other requirements?

You need to have runtime navmesh generation enabled for this to work. You enable it in project’s settings.

In UE4.3.0 parameter RebuildNavigation is done. Thanks MieszkoZ !

:smiley: Awesome! Unreal FTW!

Just a question, @MieszkoZ , this still isn’t in (4.8.3).

Is it possible to get this function in? I’m using the console command for now though, works just fine :slight_smile:

I tried using the console command, it works using no space RebuildNavigation, but all it did for me was make the navmesh disappear and not regenerate, nothing here works and i’m still looking for a way to spawn in a building and have it generate navmesh after its spawned, there is no documentation on how to do this.

I know this is a very old post - but i had a couple questions - Did you ever add functionality for this? Also, I thought that the console doesnt get packaged with the game. So wouldn’t this hack not work?

I am randomly generating a game board at game start. I’m trying to build navmesh overtop of it at runtime. I can’t get it to update.

I have the project set for dynamic navmesh. The level starts with a pool of navmeshs that i move and resize as needed to be placed overtop of my generated land. Still not working - any suggestions?