I’m working on creating an inventory system from scratch. Currently, I have an ItemCache (C++) that I will use to create different subclasses for containers (vaults, storage boxes, player death caches, etc).
I’m stuck on understanding how to approach this situation. I’ve gone over a few posts similar to this issue but ran into errors along the way.
I’ve attempted attaching:
UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, Category = "ItemCacheSpawning")
TSubclassOf<AItemCache> DeathCache;
But whenever I attempt to use ‘DeathCache’ I receive errors and forced to use AMyPlayer::DeathCache instead. (this was different from a snippet I ran across)
Also, I seem to not be able to access the functions I’ve created for DeathCache.
I am looking to store objects in the death cache, so I would need a way to send the contents from the player’s inventory newly created ItemCache as well.
Just currently lost at the moment on how to approach this.