How would I arrange my movement code?


I am new to the development with the unreal engine. I want to make a relativ simple game and I wanted to start up with the camera movement settings. In the middle of the game there is a “interactiv building” and I want to move around this building with the camera. The “A”-button moves the camera to the left, in a circle-motion around this building and the “D”-button moves it to the right.

This documentation here is quite helpful, but it doesn’t tell me how to arrange my code. Where do I should put it into and how do I make it accessible?

When I look at the TowerDefense-GameExample, the code seems pretty scatered.

How would you start?

It would be nice if you can help me out with this little task. :slight_smile:

Ok, lets make it simpler.

I have added a Character.cpp/h, but I get no output on my screen.

What part am I missing?

#include "TowerBrick.h"
#include "TowerCharacter.h"

ATowerCharacter::ATowerCharacter(const class FPostConstructInitializeProperties& PCIP)
	: Super(PCIP)


void ATowerCharacter::SetupPlayerInputComponent(class UInputComponent* InputComponent)
	InputComponent->BindAxis("CameraMoveSideway", this, &ATowerCharacter::MoveCamera);
	GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.f, FColor::Blue, TEXT("Test1"));

void ATowerCharacter::MoveCamera(float Value)
	GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.f, FColor::Blue, TEXT("Test2"));
	if (Controller && Value != 0.f)

I can’t find the cause of the problem. Even if I move it into the PlayerController I still get no working result.

It’s quite frustrating and I realy want it to get working.

There must be something I’m missing…

Sorry, I don’t want to spam.

I have tried to do it with the BluePrint version of the docu and even the inputevent doesn’t react. (It’s a new C++ (blank) project.)

MyPlayerController and MyCharacter are empty after the constructor.

Here is my DefaultInput.ini if it helps:
