How can I add banner ads to my game’s widgets and how can I add interstitials to transitions between widgets? (I did the integration, I just don’t know how to use the blueprint codes, can you show me with an example ss)
You can use this node to load the Interstitial Ad. You can then use the Show Interstitial Ad node to show the ad.
Note: You need to also hook up the appropriate IDs and APIs for Android.
Here is another thread about the subject which is still relevant.
I also suggest looking at this resouce for setting up a project for Android: Setting Up Android SDK and NDK for Unreal | Unreal Engine 4.27 Documentation
Yes absolutely. It takes a bit of time to load an interstitial ad, so make sure it’s loaded early on.
I don’t understand how we can be sure. I did it this way, isn’t it enough? Or should I add something else?
You need to load the interstitial ad on something like begin play event. The rest of the code looks fine
Sir, do you have a chance to make it and send it as ss please I’m new but I don’t understand exactly what to do
Simply add a Load Interstitial Ad node before your Create UMG Widget node.
No, simply add a Load Interstitial Ad node “”“”“before”“”“” your Create UMG Widget node. You probably have a BeginPlay Event Node in the level blueprint. Add the Load Interstitial Ad node “”“”“before”“”“” your Create UMG Widget node.
what is umg widget sir can you post a picture
There is a free plugin ’ Bansh Ads’ available for integrating various types of ads, including banners, intermediate, and rewarded ads, into Unreal Engine.
Additionally, it allows you to incorporate mediation services such as Unity Ads, Chartboost, Vungle, AdColony, and AppLovin. link → Bansh Ads in Code Plugins - UE Marketplace .