Background: I was debugging pixelstreaming issues and finally realized I should add more RTC_LOG in webrtc related sources. But when I tried to link self-built webrtc.lib against UE, I met more issues.
Issue 1: Webrtc uses boringSSL, UE uses openSSL, during linking stage, symbols are already defined. I managed to solve this issue by deleting every .obj that comes from boringssl in
Issue 2: Webrtc uses libvpx and this library has symbol collisions with UE too, solved again by deleting related .obj in
Issue 3: Finally OK to run, but during pixelstreaming connecting stage, urtcbase.dll complains an issue
WEBRTC related settings:
- webrtc-branch-4147 command:
gn gen out/x64/Release --winsdk=10.0.18362.0 --ide=vs2019 --target=x64 --args=“is_debug=false is_clang=false rtc_build_ssl=false rtc_ssl_root="C:/OPENSSL1.1.1/include" rtc_enable_protobuf=false use_custom_libcxx=false symbol_level=0 rtc_include_internal_audio_device=false rtc_build_tools=false rtc_include_tests=false rtc_build_examples=false”