How turn off GC Mark Time Event after 60 second?

Hi people! I have a problem with the use of the 4.14 version of the engine.

I have a VR project uses procedural generation, and everything is stable. But after 60 seconds, there are strong lags and again lost. This much is evident in the rendering Oculus CV1 and DK2.
I created a new VR project. Checking through the stat Game and stat UnitGraph again this event is triggered after 60 seconds.
I need use development relese and -NoVerifyGC not work!
In version 4.11 of this event is not present.
How can I disable it GC Mark Time Event or stretch the lead time?

Video in YOTUBE:

In 60 second after run:

I have the same problem on 4.14, procedural world with 1k sketal meshes moving around, every 60 seconds it hitches because of garbage collector. But I don’t create and destroy any uobject after initialization step, and each 60s the hitch became worse.

In project settings under Garbage Collection section you can edit the time gc is called, field named “Time Between purge pending kill objects”, but on my game i set for example 5 seconds as someone on the net suggest and the result is that I have more drops less strong, and as the game goes on the drops became stronger.

Anyone has any ideas or suggestion to resolve the issue?

I solved this problem by performing

GetWorld() → PerformGarbageCollectionAndCleanupActors();

Every 0.1 seconds.

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