How trace a line with VR ?

I started a project without VR. I used raycast, but now that I have an Oculus, my raycasts don’t work.
I understood that the Oculus create another camera but I don’t know how to catch this camera in Blueprint.

Thanks you and sorry for my bad english.

Hey Rohi,
Here is the my exploration charecter (player charecter) blueprint corresponding to the trace.
Things to note:
Notice the trace channel in LineTraceChannel node. It says Teleport. This is a custom trace channel I created in project setings>Collision>Trace. I have attache a picture for the same. This is so that my trace only hits things I want with this custom channel. Otherwise the line trace would hit any object with collision on it and give you a hit, unless you specify which channel or what mode of collision you wish to use, (overlap is my preferred mode)
Another thing to note, is that I created this Blueprint for use with an HMD like the oculus rift.

I hope this helps!

Best of luck!

Thank you for the answer but it’s not what I search. I know how to use TraceLineChannel but, when I do a LineTraceChannel, it doesn’t take the VR camera, it take the character orientation.