Hi I working on plugin.
I need engine module AssetTools.
For example on DesktopPlatform working IDesktopPlatform * mydesktopplugin = FDesktopPlatform::Get();
but for AssetToolsthis this way dont work.
Are there any documentation for working with Engine modules?
Sadly no there are not much of Docs on this. There are some Bits and Pieces on the UE4 wiki here and there and also this Video can teach you a lot of Stuff C++ Extending the Editor | Live Training | Unreal Engine - YouTube
But a good way to learn more about Plugin Development I highly recommand you looking into the Source Code of Paper2D it was completly implemented as Plugin and has a bit of everything. Its really great to figure out things.
I can tell you specificly to look at Paper2DEditor. You can See there in the Build.cs AssetTools is added as PrivateIncludePath. And in the Paper2DEditorModule.cpp you can See the #include “AssetToolsModule.h” as well as the line
IAssetTools& AssetTools = FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked<FAssetToolsModule>("AssetTools").Get();
Its a great Plugin to use as refference. I hope I didn´t miss something but Im sure you can figure things out using Paper2D as example.
Good Luck and Happy Coding =)