How to visualize stationary/static ribbon trail particles at runtime (cascade)

On the “Particle Update” category, you can add any of these location nodes depending on how you want your preview to look

I’m looking for some methods on how to visualize ribbon trail particles while they’re stationary, so that players can preview these trails during in-game customization (without having to actually move the attached actor around so the ribbon trail spawns). Basically I’m trying to create a customization menu for particle trails like Rocket League Rocket league customization and menu overview - YouTube (at 4:50).

I’m hoping I don’t have to duplicate/recreate each particle trail into a separate preview version since I have about 30 of them at the moment. I figured I could use parameters for Initial Velocity and Velocity/Life to force set the velocity only during customization but I’ve had poor results with this so far. Is that the right idea? Does anyone have any better tricks for achieving this?

These particles were made using cascade so I don’t have all of those options. Either way, I don’t think any of the location settings affect the ribbon the way I’m looking for.