I want use vungle ads on my game as a rewarded video ads for reborn my character after he dies and for some items on the game . But vungle ad network not gives support to unreal engine 4 like it supports unity. please someone help about using Vungle on unreal engine
I dont want pay 100 dollar to someone for that
you need a plugin, you can just use this:
use this for free https://github.com/feixuwu/UnrealEngine4-EZ-Mobile-Ads
Our plugin Universal Mobile Ads for iOS & Android is exactly what you need: Universal Mobile Ads for iOS & Android - Marketplace - Unreal Engine Forums It includes support for 15 ad networks also Vungle (more coming soon) and Banners, Interstitials, Rewarded Videos. Plugin was released 2 years ago and was tested in many ways during this time. It’s stable, receives update every 1-2 months ,and we provide premium support.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
gameDNA Ltd