How to Use these Maps?

I’m trying to use an asset from the Megascans library. It’s a rock with moss on it. Looks pretty good. However, there are a few different maps that came with the asset that I have no idea what to do with, or what their intended use is.

  1. Bump Map
  2. NormalBumpMap
  3. Fuzz Map

How are you supposed to use these? I did a quick search online about the bumpmap, and it revealed this:…ap-in-ue4.html

So I set it up accordingly in my material based on the image in the link above. Is this correct for what I am using it for?

As for the other two maps, I’m not quite sure what to do with them. The fuzz map seems like it is expressly used for the moss on the rock. Do I need to use a fuzz shader with this map?

The rock(s) in question are in the Rocky Grassland Biome in Megascans library.

there isn’t one right way to set up a material. plug things in to see how it looks, and experiment until you find something that looks good.

if you don’t want moss on you’re rocks then you’re probably fine to forget the fuzz map.

if the NormalBumpMap is blue then it’s just a normal map and can just go straight into the normal input of the material.

You can also use a bump map like this. displacement can get expensive so use sparingly.

Thank you for the link and your response. In addition to that I also found this post:

It has some information on how to set-up the fuzz map for use with moss on the assets.