How to Use the "Stop Logic" / "Restart Logic" Nodes?


I am looking for a way of restarting the behavior Tree my AI Controller is Running.
After some Research it seems like the “Stop Logic” and “Restart Logic” (Brain component) Nodes are what i need.

I attempted to implement the inteded Functionality using these nodes to no success. I have not found any Documentation on the functionality of the Nodes in question and would like to know what exactly they can do for me.

Any further advice on how to stop or restart behavior trees would also be very helpful as my current Project hinges on this functionality.

just like this.

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the same for the Restart Logic.

These nodes are not implemented. You can call them all you’d like, but it doesn’t change anything.

void UBrainComponent::StartLogic()


void UBrainComponent::RestartLogic()


void UBrainComponent::StopLogic(const FString& Reason)


bool UBrainComponent::IsRunning() const 
	return false; 

bool UBrainComponent::IsPaused() const 
	return false; 

As of 3/16/23 they are blank functions.

What i’ve done to combat this is just to make a Behavior Tree that is blank, or just have a Wait node in there. Call it BT_Dumb. It still has a cost, but its better than leaving your main tree running.

RunBehaviorTree on the ai controller, passing in BT_Dumb

Hi !
I believe they’re override in BehaviorTreeComponent.cpp

The other ones, Resume restart etc are here aswell