How to use SetActive node in C++?

Hello, I want to do something like you see in the function:

void AVeahicleSounds::PlayHorn()
		if (IsValid(CollectionVehicleHorns))
			if (CollectionVehicleHorns->Datas.IsNotAlreadyHorn)
               Log("HornPressed True");
	}else if(bHornReleased)
            Log("HornPressed False");

The problem is the horn never activated when the key is pressed.
But the string is logged on the screen to show horn pressed.

hi Alexa, I think you don’t need SetActive new just do it setting it to true.

give it a try, cheers !

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Thank you sir for reply, but still the horn is not activated, but doing this using blueprint is fine.

void AVeahicleSounds::PlayHorn()
	UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("PlayHorn"));

		UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("bHornPressed"));

		if (IsValid(CollectionVehicleHorns))
			if (CollectionVehicleHorns->Datas.IsNotAlreadyHorn)
				UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("HornPressed True"));
				// VehicleHorn->SetActive(new); WRONG PARAMETER TYPE
	else if(bHornReleased)
		UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("HornPressed False"));
		VehicleHorn->SetActive(/*true OR false*/, true);
		// VehicleHorn->SetActive(Reset); FIRST PARAMETER IS NOT RESET

	//return; NO NEED

SetActive function:

virtual void SetActive(bool bNewActive, bool bReset)

To Reset you need to use first a boolean to bNewActive ( true or false ), then true to Reset.

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Thank you sir for explaining in more details, now this answer works for me )

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