Hi everyone, I’m not totally new to UE4 but I’m not familiar with the forums and the answer hub yet. Tried to find answer but I couldn’t so I apologise if this problem have an answer somewhere.
Here’s my problem :
I’m creating a terrain material in order to paint with it on a landscape using a layerblend and 5 different textures. What I did is that i plugged all albedos into a layerblend with 1 layer for each texture and plugged it in the base color and did the same for the normal map. My materials have been created with Quixel Mixer using the megascans and so when I exported them into UE4, I had more than just albedos and normal but also have AO Maps, Roughness, Metalness, Specular and so on.
The thing is, when I apply one of my material which as puddles in it directly on a mesh I can see the roughness of the water puddles. But when I apply the layer coming from the same material from my terrain material, the roughness doesn’t show up the same way. So I tried to use a layerblend to plug all the roughness maps i got with my material to get more info from it just like i would apply the material itself but when i try to do so my texture layers go black or just a few of them compile…
My question is : Can you use the same system as layer blend for albedos and normal (which works perfectly fine) to get all the rest of the info such as Roughness, Metalness, AO and specular and how ?
Thank you very much !
All material aspects can be layered, but there are much easier ways of doing it.
One of the main things is to just do one bit of layering and then pipe that into a MakeMaterialAttributes, before going onto another area. In this way you can work on each section separately rather than ending up with an enormous blend, which I think you’re heading for.
I think this vid covers what you’re interested in, but if not there are a couple of other vids he’s done about good ways to blend layers:
PS: He covers a good way of doing puddles near the end.
Thank you very much for your quick answer, I’ll check this out and see if it covers what I try to do !
They’re really good vids. I think I picked the right one, but have a rummage around, he covers a lot of elegant ways of doing things with mats, and defintely what you’re talking about there…
I’ll try it out when i’ll be back on it. I looks kinda overwhelming to me so far so I’ll take my time. He blends the texture with a different workflow i’m not so familiar with so yeah. I’ll first try to see how he can get all his material informations cause the way I blend is very simple, found it on youtube among a lot of similar ones but only have the albedo and normal that are layer blended so i actually miss all the other maps and need to find a way to get all their infos to get the real look of my materials when painting a landscape.
His stuff on landscape layers is amazing actually. He totally sidesteps the whole UE workflow and shows how you can do things with only grass nodes… 
You have to wrap all the textures. It gets rid of the problem of black patches or default grey material appearing when you paint on the landscape. ( You can wrap them all at once of course. )
Ah, I was just re-reading your original post. If you have problems with layers not appearing, have you tried changing the texture sampler source from ‘texture asset’ to ‘shared: wrap’?
If think you’ve just run out of texture space, that solves it…

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Well I learned the basics but I am kind of a noob in here so I never used this. Just tried it out doesn’t change much. Should I “Wrap” all my texture samples ? Or just some of them. I didn’t add all my material maps yet so I don’t know if it would fix it or not. Or actually explain my problem another way maybe ?
Thank you very much ! I finally managed to get the result I wanted !
I just set all my texture samples to wrap so all my Albedos, Specular, AO, Roughness maps, Normals and Metalness so my texture would still show up no matter how many samples I blend. In that way, I managed to put all my roughness map into a layer blend and plug it in into Roughness and so on for every other map. And last step I did is reset all my Landscape_LayerInfo I first created with only albedos and normals. And by resetting them with all my parameters plugged in allowed my to finally get all the infos of my material on my texture layers.