how to use room mapping in Quest 3?

Hello everyone. I want to make an XR application for Quest 3 using room scanning for objects to recognize surfaces. Does anyone know where I can find information about this?

Hello Xperiencia,

I moved this post from ‘Programming & Scripting’ to ‘XR Development’ as you’re more likely to get an answer there.

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Imma be honest with you man. I don’t think room mapping will be as intuitive as Unreal compared to Unity especially when Meta released a full kit for Unity version 57 just last month or so… But! I’m very new to Unreal VR world (I did some Unreal back in the days, then now full-on Unity XR, but Unity just played a ■■■■■■ card, so I want to make sure that I know what’s on the opponent’s side you know), I can’t say for certain if room mapping is going to be easy on Unreal, but it’s pretty easy on Unity (since you can literally just import other people’s assets).

If you did end up finding a solution, please let me know. I would love to learn more about the XR side of Unreal. Cheers!!

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Hi there! Did you find a solution or some info about this? Thanks!

Hello. Yes, you can follow this tutorial