How to use physical material masks?


Does anyone know how to use these?

I can’t find anything about them?

For example I have a road material with procedural puddles applied through a mask. Can I use the same mask to assign a different physical material to the puddles?

I hope anyone knows.


This is asked 2-3 times a year and no one knows. Tried to figure it out a couple of times but could not hack it. Gonna hang here, hoping for an answer, too; fingers crossed.

I too am looking for information on using multiple physical materials within one (blend) material. It’s weird that the material editor will let you assign up to 8, but an instance of that material seems to ignore that entirely. (And instead expect its own physical material.)

Everynone was literally not kidding. Google search brought me to some hypothesis on BP node usage and no lucks. How strange is it to leave such an important feature undocumented and cryptic to hell.

This is pretty much mandatory for procedural masking, and not just for visual / sound effects but environmental query…