How to use Niagara particle effects properly?

Hi people!
So I have been trying to deal with a problem that causes my game to freeze approximately 0.3 seconds per every new VFX introduced to a level (map).

Here is what’s happening:
I am using the animation montage feature to handle some of the in-game animations. Through these animation montages, I play Niagara particle effects. I do this by using “add notify > play Niagara particle effect” through the “notifies” section of the selected animation montage. Unfortunately, when I play the game I can see that the game is freezing for 0.3 seconds when the Niagara particle is introduced to the scene. However, this only happens the first time when a particle is introduced to the level. After that everything plays smoothly and no freezing issue appears even if the same particle effect plays again. This process happens every time a new particle is being introduced to the level.

Thank you for reading! I hope we can find some answers :))