I don’t know where I heard about this, I guess Mieszko said something about this in a stream. I can’t find any information about “navmesh walking”, but I know it was something like the character does not have to check every tick whether there is ground below it and this saves performance, but needs a good navmesh.
“Navmesh walking” is never mentioned anywhere in the forums or the answerhub or the documentation, so either my memory is bad and it’s the wrong name or it’s not yet implemented in the engine? I remember it would be a feature in 4.7, but again, can’t find any information about this.
I have not asked about tutorials regarding the navmesh. Have you even read my question?
I wrote " “Navmesh walking” is never mentioned anywhere in the forums or the answerhub or the documentation", so you don’t have to link the documentation. And a nearly 1 year old tutorial, uhm what? Since it is in the Engine no longer than 4.7 how do you think a 1 year old tutorial about general navmesh stuff would help me?
Navmesh walking is still in development and will be available in 4.8. We’ll put together a tutorial/docs on it until then, but in general you enable it by calling SetMovementMode on your character’s movement component.
oops… no need to be rude with someone trying to help you, they don’t necessarily know the whole details of the engine and every single small featured added on each version.
Btw look for “Project nav mesh walking” in character properties in the editor.
From answer of Lucas Furman:
“By default navmesh walking mode ignores all collisions with world geometry (UCharacterMovementComponent::SetNavWalkingPhysics) and uses navmesh polys as a ground level. While it’s being faster, it’s also less accurate and depends on navmesh generation parameters. After all, navmesh is just approximation of walkable space and doesn’t need to be identical with ground’s geometry.”