I’m trying to get all these Arrays of AnimationBlueprints to effect the skeletal mesh one after another
e.g. if I had ABP_StandardMovement, ABP_FootIK & ABP_AimWeapon inside the array I’d like the output of an ABP to pass into the input of the next one as such:
I don’t think the setup makes sense as Linked anim graph spins up a new thread per anim instance.
They will not trigger in sequence even if you were to expose the input.
In the current architecture one anim graph can be evaluating while another is still calculating. They would have to be evaluated on the same thread one after another to not get wonky calculations.
@3dRaven Should I make them thread safe ? or is there some other approach I should be taking?
I’m still new to this and my ultimate aim here is to get a versatile system for animation since there are a lot of ABP combinations per mesh as shown in the example