I am trying to overlap a skeletal mesh with an object -set to an overlapping channel-. Simply what ever I do the begin overlap event never fires. I think I am missing something really big in setting this up.
If I listen to the overlap event from my object side I only overlap with the capsule component.
ps: I have generating overlap events enabled
Make sure that you’ve ticked the box for generating overlap events for your mesh. Select your mesh and its settings will appear in the Details window.
Also, if you want to check your mesh collisions inside the blueprint that owns the mesh, make sure to click the “Add” icon next to the On Component Begin Overlap.

Another approach is to add separate collision components to handle overlaps.

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I have generating overlap events ticked and of course used the event 
it’s still not firing. I did it with box collision but I am guessing it would be more expensive right?
Also make sure that your Collision Presets is set right. Try setting it to OverlapAll and see if that works.

Using collision components like box, sphere and capsule will outperform collision checks done with a mesh, depending on the mesh complexity ofc, since a mesh typically consist of a ton of triangles. So from a performance perspective I would most definitely use one of these simpler collision components for checking overlaps. The capsule collision component is often used with characters in UE since it fits very nicely around the mesh.