Hello. As far as I know, Landscape Layer Sample node samples a landscape layer with values from 0 to 1.
My goal is simple: tweak these values to add noise in order to improve the blending among layers.
The problem: I don’t know how to use it, except in combination with the grass node, because I don’t know where to output the Result of my noise function.
Here a simple screenshot:
When you paint the various material layers on your Landscape, you do so by using Landscape Layer blends. Consequently, you can access the masking/paint information from those nodes by using a “Landscape Layer Sample” node with the same name as your Layer Blend Layer name. This can be used in combination with other various nodes in the Landscape Material setup.
you have To harness the painted material layers on your Landscape, leverage Landscape Layer blends. By employing a “Landscape Layer Sample” node with a matching name as your Layer Blend Layer, you gain access to the masking/paint information from those nodes. This functionality seamlessly integrates into your Landscape Material setup, enabling versatile combinations with other nodes. this information is enough for you .