Use ABatteryPickup::StaticClass instead
I want to use the function
void AActor::GetOverlappingActors(TArray& OverlappingActors, UClass* ClassFilter) const
docu found here:
I am doing the tutorial
Introduction to UE4 Programming - 5 - Empowering the Character
and i want to use the getoverlappingactors with a classfilter.
I try to call the getOverlappingActors with a classfilter:
CollectionSphere->GetOverlappingActors(CollectedActors, ABatteryPickup::GetClass);
but i get the error:
error C3867: ‘UObjectBase::GetClass’: function call missing argument list; use ‘&UObjectBase::GetClass’ to create a pointer to member
and i dont know how to solve it
In the tutorial every overlapping actor is collected and then casted to Cast(…)
and then checked. This works but i thought that it would be more elegant to specify the classfilter in getoverlappingactors.
Thanks in advance for your help
If anyone by chance come to this as well, this is actually a method, so it should be ABatteryPickup::StaticClass().
This might be obvious for some people, it just wasn’t to me and I had some trouble