I have a component UMyComponent (derived from UPrimitiveComponent) and want to draw some debug info. For that I have overwritten the CreateSceneProxy function and create a FDebugRenderSceneProxy. See code below. But its not rendering anything.
also, SetIsVisualizationComponent isnt needed if the component is meant to be more then just a visualization, I found it pointless because I’m just using this to visualize a component that has an actual impact on gameplay. This is set in a lot of other examples, so I’m just making a note of it here.
For anyone else that comes across this, check out this nice blog by some guy named “Steve”
For anyone else that finds this, a quick summary: FDebugRenderSceneProxy is useful for rendering debug lines, cylinders, circles, etc in the editor, without needing to click the “play button”
I’ve made use of this to show the bounds of a simulated object or constraint (like a spring on a car) while configuring it in the details panel.
You can render debug lines in the viewport of a blueprint or in the main gameplay viewport.