If we’re meant to do it by creating an instance of FEnvQueryRequest, how do we pass in which query we wanted to do to it?
Going further than that, is there a sample of how to create queries in c++, and can we get the queries made in blueprint for c++, like how you do it with ConstructorHelpers for bp classes?
I’ll give you an example how to use the EQS system in c++, MyActor is the class:
In MyActor.h
UEnvQuery* MyQuery; // set the query in editor
FEnvQueryRequest * MyQueryRequest;
// The function that gets called when querry finished
void MyQueryFinished(TSharedPtr<FEnvQueryResult> Result);
Thanks that helped. I was trying to find a way to make or get the queries from c++ rather than just feeding them in through BP, but this’ll work just fine too.
Sorry for sending message in an old topic.
I need some help to send a vector value into my EQS from C++
I have a custom AI logic and I just need to some check from EQS, I made my EQS and it works properly with test data but I need a way to pass some game data into EQS from the C++.
Thank you