How to Upload Binary File to Epic Store - video instructions?

and thank you for opening Epic Store to all publishers
However, uploading binary file with command prompt commands is nightmare process.
We are getting error all the time. Is it possible to provide

  1. Detail one by one instruction video on that? (not text)
  2. Creating feature in browser with uploading zip file?

thank you


Yes, this is confusing for Blueprint Only Projects. We are not familiar with CLI, etc.

We copy instructions command line template for our artifact, filled in the missing values except for special file requirements at the end and tried to run it with .bat open, nothing happens?

An example template video showing how to run it would be great

yes, we also meet resistance

Hey there, thanks so much for the feedback - we do not have a video about how to use the BuildPatch tool yet, but it is definitely something we will consider creating. In the meantime, I encourage you to check out the BuildPatch Tool Instructions documentation. If you run into specific errors that you need help with, please reach out to our team via a private discussion and we will be happy to assist.


I second this I have no idea what the heck to even do.

Hi, I’m not a super strong programmer and only know some super basic command line. I don’t have a video but I can walk through what I did and see if that helps? This is assuming you’ve downloaded and extracted the BPT. I did this on a Win10 machine and BPT was in my Desktop folder:

  • Open a text editor (I like notepad++) and use this to hold all of the ~5 ID’s you’ll need.
  • The fastest way is to populate all those id’s is to go to your product’s Artifacts & Binaries > Manage binaries page, copy the template, & paste in your text editor (see image)


  • When you paste this into a text editor, you should only have to supply data to a few fields but it should initially look like the next image.


  1. Client ID
  • (copy paste from Dashboard > Product Settings(gear cog) > General > Build Patch Tool Credentials)
  1. ClientSecret
  • (copy paste from same as above)
  1. Build Root
  • (file path of your build folder on your machine, open the folder that contains your build data and just copy / paste the file path from the explorer into the txt file)
  1. CloudDir
  • (can’t be empty for me so I created one like “Build\Root”. This gets generated inside the folder that your BuildPatchTool exists AFAIK. I’ll figure out how to properly use this later).
  1. Build Version
  • (arbitrary, I did my first test with “0.0.0” later to copy the version in the game description)
  1. AppLaunch
  • (if your .exe is in the first layer of your build folder, simply supply the name of the exe as “GameName.exe”, otherwise provide the local path starting from your build’s root folder)
  1. AppArgs
  • (I left it as an empty string “”)

  • Anything it supplies afterwards is optional and can probably be removed while you figure out the workflow.

I highly highly recommend ONLY copy / pasting values to prevent typos such as copying build file paths from the file explorer. Make sure that all your fields are encompassed by quotes (don’t accidentally delete one or the whole pair when pasting data), make sure that there is a space between each of the command line arguments (the '-'s).

Once all that data is filled out, open the command line and change your active directory to the tool you’re using for your platform. Here’s the command I used to get to Win64 version.

cd *\Desktop\BuildPatchTool\Engine\Binaries\Win64


Once you’ve changed the directory so that it matches what you typed from above, copy / paste ALL that info you plugged into the command line and it should kick off just fine.

Hopefully this helps other people who are doing this for the first time because I spent ~2.5 hours plugging in the wrong IDs into things or not able to find the needed IDs until I discovered that template.
Edit: Did some digging and someone else made a brief tutorial here How to Upload Binaries using BuildPatchTool



I don’t know how this post or your tutorial thread hasn’t got more attention yet, but I just wanted to say you’re a LEGEND!! Thank you!!


what happens if the app or program doesn’t have access?? it keeps shooting me with a blue error that read. CAN"T ACCESS THIS PROGRAM SOFTWARE PLUSHIER?