I have an AI system, that’s supposed to check if a door is open and if not, open it and walk inside.
But the navigation doesn’t work on the doorway.
Here’s a demonstration: https://milomb.wistia.com/medias/mzycftl1qy
(Sorry the video is a bit laggy).
The navigation mesh updates automatically.
From what I can tell from your video, you just haven’t changed the collision.
Remember that navigation is based on collision boxes, not visuals. Even if the door appears open, some part of it is likely blocking the nav mesh.
You can test this by deleting the door frame, or enabling collision view mode. Here’s how to view collision:
You did not show me the player collision as I showed in the previous message.
Also, you don’t have nav mesh visualization enabled in the provided screenshots.
You need to show me that, the collision settings of the door, and preferably the door blueprint so I can see how you’ve handled it.
I can think of a few things that might be wrong- I just need to make sure.
If you can actually walk through the door when it’s open, you could just uncheck “can ever affect navigation”. You need to handle the opening of the door elsewhere anyways.
If this doesn’t work for you, I have a few more things I can ask you to try and find the root of the problem.