How to update "CameraShake" properties during gameplay?


I have a standard CameraShake blueprint that is inherited from parent class CameraShake, and it is working properly. How can I get a reference to this BP, so that I can update/change some of its parameters (such as rot oscillation > pitch > amplitude, frequence, etc.) during gameplay?

Kind Regards,

**EDIT: As I got no reply to my question above, it might be much better if I try to make myself clear, and try again.

Speaking of the “CameraShake” actor properties below; we know that these properties are editable during design time. I wonder if there is a way that we can change these values during gameplay using blueprints. Any ideas?

Kind Regards,

Still no answers :frowning:

Although I have managed to create a reference to my CameraShake BP by promoting a variable from ClientPlayCameraShake’s “Shake” node and then setting the default value to my BP, I still can not get/set shake properties! I start to wonder if these properties can only be set during design time, but not in realtime!

Since this topic has not been discussed thoroughly in UE4 AnswerHub, still remains a mystery, at least for me. I’ll be more than happy if someone would be kind enough to give me a hand.

Kind Regards,

Still no answers…

I presume, this feature is not implemented yet in blueprints. If yes, it is on my Christmas wish list :wink:

Kind Regards,

Did you ever find a solution? I’m aiming to do the same thing as you.

I am afraid, I still have no solution for this issue, Giovannini :frowning:

I think editing the parameters of CameraShake in run-time is not possible (in blueprint). It also seems to me that this is intentional.

CameraShake supports both oscillation and animation. You can switch between different CammeraShake parameter sets on the fly. You can scale and rotate it run-time.

If you need something super, super custom from your camera movement it might not be considered “shake” anymore. There is another class called CameraModifier which runs after the CameraManager class with a dedicated ModifyCamera() function.

Quite frankly, I cant think of a scenario where my shake can’t do all I need just by scaling and rotating it. Can I ask what the end goal here might be?

You can override function BlueprintUpdateCameraShake in Camera Shake.

I’m also looking for solutions for this problem and so far the only legible solution seems to be using C++ directly.


Actually found a BP solution, check here:

Hi, just wondering how do I scale a Camera Shake? The only scalable variables on the Play World Camera Shake BP are: Inner Radius, Outer Radius and Falloff, which are not useful. Basically what I’m trying to achieve is to adjust camera shake according to landing speed, which can be easily grabbed by Get Velocity.

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