I’m trying to get the player to have its camera shake with a shaking magnitude proportional of that to speed. This would be a neat effect when falling :3
How can I go about this? I am sure this would require me to have the camera shake magnitude being continuously updated. Would this be performance intensive in terms of framerate? Do I need to have some kind of camera shake class set up?
Nevermind, I have found a solution. Rather than using the ‘Play World Camera Shake’ function, I had used ‘Client Play Camera Shake’ (Requires you to untick the ‘Context Sensitive’ checkbox when adding a new blueprint function). It comes with a scale node so I can set it whenever I want. Thanks for the help though!
in case somebody wonders how to do that with new camera shake methods not returning a pointer to the shake, thus not being able to modify the scale:
I’ve found that creating a ‘copy’ of one of existing USimpleCameraShakePattern descendant oscilators gives access to UpdateOscillators method where you can do your thing. Why copy and not descendant class? cause of private members.