How to unpack a .pak file?

Read until the end please.

So I want to mod Life is Strange 2 (It’s personal use only so if your worried that I would share a modded version I’m not. this is just for me to play)

So I seen people do this and I want to try it. I’m about to have a new computer soon so I thouht while I still have LIS2 on the old one maybe I could try model replacement. I want to replace Cassidy’s model with another model but, how do people even do that? I seen somebody do it with Max’s model to this LIS. They never told how they did it. Does anybody know how you do that? When I look at the folder, I see there in paks files, so it makes me confused how to import aka replace a model with another.

I don’t know how to unpack a .pak folder, edit it, and repack a .pak.

I only want to switch the character model. I tried tip I have seen and they don’t work.
I tried these

Title to .zip
Tried to use Winzip
Tried this software named zlib but I couldn’t find out how to use it at all.

You can unpack PAK files using UNREALPAK.EXE which comes with the engine.

You may or may not be able to do that, because often, vendors encrypt the PAK file, although it doesn’t sound like it here.

So you unpack, change the asset for your replacement, and repack. Good luck with that.

Here’s a vid on using unrealpak: