How to turn off all blur and bloom (excluding motion blur)?

Hello world again! While writing these lines, I am watching grass at Epic scalability with Epic material quality and Temporal Super Resolution but that grass’ quality is still not good enough for me:

On the medium plan, there are seen only thick grass stalks and flowers. I have a 4090 and a 4K G7 monitor, and I want to enjoy really the BEST possible graphics quality. How to enable it in Unreal Engine, I mean leave only motion blur as it’s realistic, but disable all other types of blur and bloom?

Bump. The topic is actual.

Does anyone need a special invitation? Double bump.

what you wanna read? i got no tip for you, but to check the rendering options or disable all of it via ppv. then just crank it up to cinematic. that’s all you get. not sure what exactly you’re missing? 4k screen but a screenshot for ants and no description. any errors or artefacts? or what is wrong with it? you know?!?