I’m currently working on a scene where the first person character shoots fire torches to destroy them (with apex destruction and FirstPersonBP)
The only issue is that when they are destroyed, I am left with fire in the air (made with the particle system)… Is there a way to make the fire disappear at the same time?
Thank you!
Without actually seeing what you’re doing, a proper answer cannot be given.
Pseudo code wise, when you spawn the particle effect, keep a reference of it on the “torch” that it belongs to. Override the “OnEndPlay” event which will remove the particle effect as well.
I’m assuming you are using destructible meshes based off those pictures? So, override the torch “OnAnyDamage” to remove the fire particle effect.
Yes as I said I am using Apex destruction…What do you mean override the torch “onanydamage”? I don"t think I mentioned it, but the torch and the particle fire are seperated… I’ve tried something but it does not work
Well, this is more along the lines of what I’m suggesting as part of that torch blueprint
Your torch should be the blueprint mentioned, as it should have a link to the particle system component. A link needs to exist somewhere that associates that torch with that particle system
Did you make this in the Level Blueprint or in a class blueprint? Cause I tried doing it in the level blueprint so I could put my particle in Target, but it does not work
What you can also do is in your BP after you do your trace for the hit actor, you can cast that actor to your Torch BP and turn off the P_feu on it or just destroy it.
Overall though, yes, just like that.
I did everything I think, but it still does not work, I believe I forgot something, but I am not advanced enough to know what. Could you help me out plz :,)
When your projectile connects with the actor, is it set to deal damage?