The AI controlled pawns will turn and face the direction they are supposed to be heading towards but don’t move.
4.21.1 working correctly.
4.21.2 - something changed (what?)
I was working in C++ code dealing with gameplay abilities attributes and assigning them to the player characters. I was not working with the AIController or pawns or with the navigation.
Using Navigation Invoker with Nav Mesh Bound Volume.
auto navsys = FNavigationSystem::GetCurrent<UNavigationSystemV1>(this);
navsys->bSkipAgentHeightCheckWhenPickingNavData = true;
When calling the AIController.MoveTo, I get back the FPathFollowingRequestResult.Code being “Blocked”.
Things I have done:
a) Deleted/Re-Added “Nav Mesh Bound Volume”
b)Project Settings->Navigation Sytem, Supported Agents
- Confirmed “Navigation Data Class Name” points to Navigation directly
c)Have overriden the following to see what may be blocking. Nothing is being reported hitting anything.
d) Moved everything out of sublevels into the persistent level.
Created blueprint AIController - nothing special
Created blueprint Character using thirdperson animations. Use the node to get random point in navigable area. It works.
I try with nav invoker setup it works (or does it?)
Should I be seeing the nav mesh (pressing P), when I have it set to only generate around nav invokers?
Set to only generate around nav invoker. Removed the register invoker from the test character and it STILL runs around?!? Great, now I can’t break the test character.
Something is preventing the show navigation from showing in the volume.
However, nothing was ever wrong with the nav invoker or nav mesh.
I was working on implementing gameplay abilities attributes initializing the NPCs. Well, move speed is one of those attributes. Guess what was still using the old way of setting move speed? Sigh.
The characters move just fine now that their move speed is not zero.