How to trigger an event with a specific actor?

I’ve been trying this for a little while and checking the answers on similar questions and no avail. I’m trying to trigger an event - lets say print string when a specific actor is overlapping the box collision.
The way I’ve set it up is by using a begin overlap from the box collision, using a branch, and for the condition using a “==” setting one of the actors to “Other Actor” in the begin overlap and the second actor to the specific mesh that I want to generate the event. It doesn’t work :frowning:
I’ve tried to have the mesh/actor in the BP and to have it referenced from the level and it didn’t work.

If it makes a difference, I am using the HTC Vive, trying to trigger an event using a mesh attached to the controller, and a box collision attached to the Camera.

Does anyone know a better way to do this, or why it’s not working?

Did you make sure that the BoxComponent and “Cube” have their collision settings set accordingly so they can overlap in the first place? Also you bound the event to OnComponentEndOverlap, which triggers when they STOP overlapping. Also make sure that “Cube” is valid before the branch by printing its name and last but not least try this:


Thanks for the response - so I switched it to begin overlap, that was a bp that i was trying to have something trigger after the overlap was complete, but for the sake of testing i switched it. Still the same problem. nothing triggers. Is it because I’m using a blueprint with a static mesh as the other actor?
Right now the settings I have for the collision box is as a Trigger and for the actor that needs to trigger it I have BlocksAllDynamic.

sorry - also, I’m not sure what you mean by making sure that the cube is valid?

Try to add a BoxCollision component to the static mesh and set its collision preset to OverlapAllDynamic. Maybe the static mesh doesnt have any collision information.

no improvement - i am also thinking now that a lot of things are complicating this one interaction. When I set it up with a trigger thats specific to the player pawn that is seperate from this set up, it works just fine. I’m not sure what it could be to be honest.