How to toggle visibility of foliage blueprint with trigger box?

I have created a blueprint containing one of my foliage types. I can set the visibility of all of the foliage instances in that blueprint by using a “Set hidden in game” or “Set visibility” node. I would like to toggle the visibility of the foliage instances by walking into a trigger box, but am unable to find a way to do so with this blueprint.

Add a box collision component to the blueprint.
Set its collision to overlap the player.

Add On Begin overlap and On End overlap events.

On begin overlap → Self set hidden in game → self set visibility
On End overlap → Self set hidden in game → self set visibility

Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately, I don’t see an option to add a component to this blueprint. I’ve been trying to find a way to do so, or get a reference to it in some way, but I can’t find a way to. I also can’t get an OnBeginOverlap or OnEndOverlap node in this blueprint either.

BP needs to be of Actor Type.

New Blueprint → Actor
Then use the Add New (green button) to add the Box Collision. While the collision is still selected scroll the details panel to the bottom. You should see a bunch of green buttons. These are the collision events. On Begin Overlap, On End Overlap are near the top of the list.

Unfortunately, I don’t seem to be able to use an Actor class blueprint as my component class for foliage instances. Here I have the blueprint that I created using the “+” icon to create a new blueprint beside the component class dropdown (LittleDeer) and an Actor class blueprint I created (LilDeer), and the component class will only allow me to select the former.

The one that is created using the “+” button (LittleDeer) says its parent class is Foliage Instanced Static Mesh Component.