How to temporarily store gameplay recording in game files

I am working on replay system and want it to work with multiplayer. As singleplayer it works fine, but in multiplayer game recording doesn’t replay because it is left on the server from which it got disconnected. How do I save the actual recording in order to call it from client’s side?

If anyone ever will find themselves facing the same situation, here is the answer:

  1. In your .h file create a struct for you replay info. It is needed to create a file and if you wish so, rename or delete it. It is saved in ProjectDir/Saved/Demos/.replayinfo
struct FS_ReplayInfo  
	FString ReplayName;  
	FString FriendlyName;  
	FDateTime Timestamp;  
	int32 LengthInMS;  
	bool bIsValid;  
	FS_ReplayInfo(FString NewName, FString NewFriendlyName, FDateTime NewTimestamp, int32 NewLengthInMS)  
		ReplayName = NewName;  
		FriendlyName = NewFriendlyName;  
		Timestamp = NewTimestamp;  
		LengthInMS = NewLengthInMS;  
		bIsValid = true;  

		ReplayName = "Replay";  
		FriendlyName = "Replay";  
		Timestamp = FDateTime::MinValue();  
		LengthInMS = 0;  
		bIsValid = false;  
  1. In the same .h file create these variables and functions

//ooking for/finding replays on hard drive 
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = Replays)  
void FindReplays(); 

virtual void Init() override;


	//  helper function for FindReplays()   
	TSharedPtr<INetworkReplayStreamer> EnumerateStreamsPtr;  
	FOnEnumerateStreamsComplete OnEnumerateStreamsCompleteDelegate;  
	void OnEnumerateStreamsComplete(const TArray<FNetworkReplayStreamInfo>& StreamInfos);
  1. Define functionality and update/create Init(0
void UReplay::Init()
    	// create a ReplayStreamer for FindReplays() and DeleteReplay(..)
    	EnumerateStreamsPtr = FNetworkReplayStreaming::Get().GetFactory().CreateReplayStreamer();
    	// Link FindReplays() delegate to function
    	OnEnumerateStreamsCompleteDelegate = FOnEnumerateStreamsComplete::CreateUObject(this, &UReplay::OnEnumerateStreamsComplete);


void UReplay::FindReplays()
	if (EnumerateStreamsPtr.Get())  
		EnumerateStreamsPtr.Get()->EnumerateStreams(FNetworkReplayVersion(), 0, FString(), TArray<FString>(), FEnumerateStreamsCallback());// OnEnumerateStreamsCompleteDelegate was here, check if it's still needed
  1. Create blueprint (can be any class really) and add following nodes

  1. Get yourself a nice cup of tea and keep going with a good work!
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