How to synchronize weapon and character animations?

Is there a way to synchronize the weapon reload animation with the character’s reload animation?
If I had a magazine mesh, I would spawn it at the right moment and attach it to the hand, then remove it. But I have a whole animation for the weapon, and it doesn’t match character reload animation.

No point halfassing things.

Take both animations out to blender, pair them/time them there.
Re-import them.

And you may want to consider adding gun bones to the main model, so instead of attaching a magazine to a hand you can attach it to a bone.

That way different animations for different magazine types are possible. Without having to tweak the positioning or socketing values in engine.

I have no desire to learn Blender. I would prefer to focus on learning Unreal =)

If your assets don’t match up, you have to edit them so they match up.
If you’re the programmer, not the artist, then you have to ask your artist to fix the assets.
We are getting some new animation tools in 5.4 that might maybe let you tweak animation assets (I haven’t looked) so maybe at that point you could do it inside the editor, but you’d still have to learn how to make animations, no matter what the tool. The tool specifics don’t really matter all that much in the long run, it’s what they do that matters.

And, also, if you want it to match up perfectly with your character, you need to not only add specific sockets/bones that track the objects, you also need to use IK at runtime to fix up the arm to match (and maybe even the magazine, for the “where is the pocket” location.)

@jwatte @MostHost_LA

Guys, I found a way =)
Every frame I move mag mesh and add a new key (see screenshot).
But I forgot how to extract animation from the sequencer. I did this once, but I don’t remember anymore.
Can you tell me how to do this, please?

If it works for you, great! At some point, it probably will become too cumbersome and you’ll want to have a better art path, but, one step at a time is how you get there :slight_smile:

You can export the animation as a FBX, and then re-import as an animation:
Importing and Exporting FBX files | Epic Developer Community (

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