now i would like to walk in that room i built with the standard controls known from FPS (wasd, mouse) if the vive is not connected. how can i switch to this input method?
I’m not entirely certain on this, but you can check the validity of the HMD Device (GEngine->HMDDevice.IsValid()). If not valid, you would then need to perhaps fire off some console commands to turn off the instanced stereo (vr.InstancedStereo false).
There may be other commands such as ‘hmd mirror X’ and ‘hmd enabled/disabled’, but they might be relating to older engine versions as it was a while ago we looked into this.
sorry for the late response.
the default output is on the HMD.
i know how to check if a HMD is connected or not, but i don’t know how to change the output to the pc display