I have a question. How to sum one pixel of a material with surrounding pixels
Right: pixel value = the average of the surrounding 9 pixels.
I can’t make the effect in UE, so I’m sorry to use excel instead.
I have a question. How to sum one pixel of a material with surrounding pixels
This can be done in the post process volume. You would use a scene texture node. This allows you to sample the color of pixels being rendered in various buffers including the final rendered scene. There is a UV input that controls which pixel is being sampled specifically. By offsetting the UV coordinates used by the sampler, you can force it to sample a different location and then add the results of all of the samples together.
This is highly likely to produce values over 1, which will just look white. Depending on what you’re doing with this, you may want the average of the pixels. In which case you can divide by the result by number of samples.
thank you.
What if it’s in a material? For example, in a Material Blueprint, each pixel of a texture is averaged, or every point of the current “UV” or “Vertex color” is averaged.