How to stop the keyboard keys Space, Return and Enter from being able to press Widget buttons?

How to stop the keyboard keys Space, Return and Enter from being able to press Widget buttons? Basically I have a widget that I can select different buttons of using the arrow keys and select with Space, Enter and Return (Enter key under Backspace). I want to be able to only have the functionality to be able to press a button using the Return key only. Is this possible?

I don’t think it is possible for the native buttons, see the last response to this: UMG Spacebar, Enter & Face Button Down all execute "On Pressed" - #2 by Fronzelneekburm.

I tried overriding OnKeyDown, but the space button is not even passed through to that, so it must be handled beforehand.

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I see, is this button class exposed to blueprint only projects? If i am able to create a button component and override this function in blueprints, i would need to reparent all my buttons to this component class, i think. Thats consodering IF that class is exposed to blueprints in the first place